Saturday, September 6, 2014

England Part I: Natural History Museum

We went to England in July and after landing at Heathrow and taking the bus to my brothers flat stop number 1 was the natural history museum.
First time on the tube!

Mammals everywhere
This was Matt's favourite part - all the specimens in jars!
Watch out for dinos!
Natural History Museum from the outside!

You can't tell from this picture but the museum was really busy as it was the last week of school and a lot of end of term trips were going on. It was still fun though. I'd been there before but could only remember the main entrance with the dino and the giant whale skeletons! Although it was cloudy it was also really warm which made for a slightly uncomfortable train ride home - especially for Matt as he appears to be allergic to something in England in the summer so we had to go stock up on drugs! More pictures from the trip soon!