Thursday, November 3, 2011

Snowtober: Denver vs Albany

The past two weeks have consisted of work and snow. I went to the WCRP open science conference in Denver last week which was great in numerous ways. Not only did I get to speak to a lot of work people and get some great ideas for my current research (and my previous research actually) but I saw a lot of people that I hadn't seen in a very long time (including my undergraduate dissertation advisor). It also reminder me of how much I missed Colorado. Sunday and Monday were beautiful clear blue skies and 80F days. Tuesday and Wednesday it snowed! Here are the pre and post snow pictures of the state capital building that I had a great view of from my 21st floor hotel room:

I was fortunate to leave Denver on Friday - post Denver snow and pre northeast snow. The first snow for Albany was actually on the Thursday but the "big" storm (big for October) was overnight Saturday into Sunday. We got about 4 inches of snow and were lucky not to lose any power (unlike so many people in the NE). It was the most snow the Matt had seen (apart from a ski trip to Colorado)! We took the cat in the snow and I think she quite liked it - she definitely enjoyed watching it fall from the window. It hadn't been snowing too long when we took these pictures on Saturday:

We had a nice walk to the diner on Sunday for brunch (the roads were fine to drive but it was fun to walk). I had pancakes with nutella and bananas and it was so good. On Monday I came home to a lovely surprise package (thanks parents) and a cat who was just hanging out with her tongue out. All in all, a great two weeks of work and snow!!

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