Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 in short

Travelling over Christmas meant no blogging... but I will update soon with pictures from my trip home. Meanwhile, a brief summary of 2011 is due. I was planning on doing this on new years day but the year started off with a nasty cold and I've done a lot of sleeping. Anyhow, in summary:

2011 Firsts:

1) (and last) PhD!!
2) second, and third PhD papers published (here, here, and here)
2) "real" full time job
3) time in Illinois, Indiana, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Vermont
4) apartment with Matt
5) car loan
6) student loan payments

2011 Lasts:

1) class ever (meteorological oceanography)!
2) graduation
3) game of water polo (probably at least)

I could probably come up with some more if I thought a little harder but I'd say 2011 was a pretty successful year and hopefully 2012 will be just as good. I don't really have any official resolutions for 2012, but I would like to do a half marathon this year so hold me to it!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ellie,

    Glad to read a little about your life. Thanks. I've been wondering how things were going and what all you were up to. Looks like great fun!! Take care!
