Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jog 4 Jugs Half Marathon

After many weeks of running and weekends trying to fit in long runs it was finally time for the half marathon. We headed out to Duanesburg, NY (about 25 miles West of Albany) for a 9 am start. It wasn't a very big race - 83 half marathon-ers and 80 5k-ers.

Free dry fit t-shirts. They are nice!
I was feeling good at the beginning but tried not to go too "fast" (fast is all relative). I started passing a few people around mile 3! The route was nice and scenic, but being 60 something degrees F, not a cloud in the sky and almost zero shade the whole 13 miles I was getting hotter and hotter every minute. Not only was it hot with no shade, the route was hilly. They even told us at the start it was a hard course, especially for first timers!! I had seen the profile but it doesn't do it justice... this is what we ran:

Half marathon profile!

I think they went out of the way to include as many hills as they can on the course. I'm glad we had done a lot of hills in training both of us mentioned catching people on hills. I was feeling pretty good until mile 10.5. I had run just over 11 miles as my longest training run so at this point I knew I could make it, but I also knew that from here on out it was essentially all uphill (as you can see). It was HARD, especially mile 12. Not only was it uphill, but as you turned the corner at mile 12 it was a long, shade free uphill straight. I did have to take a couple of walk breaks up that last hill as my legs felt like lead. I really wish I'd been mentally stronger and kept running though.

At the top of the hill Matt met me and ran the last part with me which really helped me to finish strong. I was so so happy to finish. And not only did I finish, I beat my goal time by a lot, finishing in 2.17.21 (62nd out of 83 but who cares I did it). I know I'm never going to win any running awards but I challenged myself to something I never ever though I could do, and did it! Matt beat his goal time too, sneaking in under 2 hours in 1.59.44 (32nd out of 83).

We really did do it!

I wonder how fast I could do on an "easy" course? Am I actually considering doing another one - maybe!!

After the race they had tons of free food (pizza, burgers, hot dogs, oranges, bananas, cookies) and plenty of water and Gatorade. It really was a great event that raised money for breast cancer research.


1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a lot of hills, and was it really necessary to have the biggest one at the end?? :) Well, congrats!! I've enjoyed the half marathons I've done and I think we might do some in England :)
