Sunday, September 11, 2011


I wanted to say a little something on this anniversary. 10 years ago I was 18 and just about to start my first year at university and had spent the summer working half days at the city council in the accounts department. I got home from work just before 2 pm (9 am in NY) and my brother and I watched all the events unfold. I remember thinking it was just at accident at first, like so many people did, but then everything changed. I called my mum at work to tell her, but she had already heard. She didn't think we should be watching all the pictures because some of the images were so unpleasant. We had to watch, it was impossible not to.

10 years ago I couldn't have imagined that I would be living in Albany, the state capitol of New York. The local fire department sounded it's sirens this morning at the times the planes hit the towers.

We will all remember the impact that this event has had on ourselves and on the rest of the world. It wasn't just Americans that died that day. More British people died on 9/11 than on the 7/7 tube attacks. Innocent people from all over the world were killed that day and in events since and we should remember not just the impact on America, but the whole world.

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